To say Ivy had a hard knock life prior to us adopting her would be an understatement. In her short of life of three years, she was run over by a farm truck resulting in a broken hip. Though her hip was repaired, she was allowed to run too soon, then was injured in a car accident. This time her hip was broken a second time and it had to be fused. Back home again and living outside her vulnerability made her a victim of aggression from other dogs and she suffered lacerations of the neck. Thankfully she was surrendered to SENC, fostered for a short time, and adopted. She is a love bug and a definite couch potato. Her slight limp due to her injury sometimes makes wood floors a problem, but she compensates by walking pigeon toed, exactly like a black bear. She gets along great with our other dogs and now is trying to teach our Newf puppy her manners. We are forever grateful to be this sweet girl’s forever family.
Regina Gemignani, Lead Coordinator, SENC Rescue, Inc.

When I first met Kuma he was in very poor health. He had a number of obvious health issues including food allergies, fungal infection, skin issues, and entropion, which impaired his vision. Despite his health challenges, he was a very sweet, gentle, loving boy
Soon after changing Kuma’s diet and addressing his infection, we saw positive results. Once Kuma’s inflammation decreased he was ready for surgery. Kuma had 2 surgeries for his entropion. Kuma was such a trooper during all of his recoveries. Soon after surgery, Kuma’s vision improved. No more walking into walls, trees, furniture, etc.
Kuma has made so much progress over the last few months. He really enjoys his car rides, daily walks, and playing with Kitty and Skylar in the backyard. We are so happy Kuma ended up in our family!

I cried a lot of tears for my favorite boy looking for the two photos attached.
The first is with Bailey, shortly after I finished fishing Sampson out of the Mississippi River on the last day of March. I am wet up to my waist, all Sampson wanted to do was paddle and take me with him to New Orleans.
The second is taken on one of our camping ventures off the grid - he liked the upper bunk.
With three dogs - a camper upgrade is required, although Finn is not a particular fan of the whole thing.
Best always, Cath.

We picked up our boy, Murphy, as a thin heartworm positive 2 year old! He was as sweet as he could be and starved for attention. He didn't know what a toy was, but has become a very large fan of them. He is the most agile newf I've ever been around, jumping the gates I put up to keep him contained on day 1. Murphy loves to swim, loves to chase his buoy and loves to ride on my paddleboard with me. He is eager to please and although at first was a bit scared of dogs that ran at him, he has overcome that fear as well. We are forever grateful that he came to us and helped us heal from the loss of our first Newfie.

When we picked up Skylar to foster, she was very thin and heartworm positive. She spent the following months going through the tough heartworm treatment.
Despite the health challenge, she was a very loving and happy pup. Our first weekend together was spent at the beach. Skylar got along well with our other two newfs and even took a ride on our paddle board!
Skylar is now heartworm free and healthy. She is very social and loves to play with every dog she meets. But her favorite playmate is our little gray cat.
Skylar is smart and very well behaved. She has graduated from both adult level 1 and 2 dog training. We are forever grateful to be Skylar’s forever home.

"Greetings from Texas to our SENC friends!
Who knew that the upside to a broken kneecap would be the addition of The World's Greatest Dog Duo to our family? If I hadn't been sidelined this last May by a broken patella, I wouldn't have been recuperating on my couch with too much time to scroll through Facebook commenting on pictures. I remember actually pausing before clicking "send" and posting an idle comment "Too bad these two aren't in Texas. I would take them." Didn't think my innocent comment would get me in any trouble, being temporarily handicapped and all...
And here we are. Don't even think of begging me for these two back. Dora makes me laugh and Duncan makes me feel like the most important person in the world. Two sweeter dogs do not exist. They will celebrate their 9th birthdays in January. We enjoy and treasure each day with them and feel so very, very lucky. A huge thank you to SENC and all the people who helped to make it happen!
Brenda, Richard and the Blanco Gang of Newfs"
Deb - OK. So someday I'm going to have to repay you for Lola.
Lola epitomizes all action verbs: running, jumping, chewing, barking, licking, digging, - you get the picture. My vocabulary has been reduced to 3 words: Quit it Lola!
Really, she's great! And even funnier is watching Max, Boomer and Finn stare at her like she's got two heads when she comes flying towards them and then jumps over them at the speed of light!
The only one in the house who can truly keep up with her is Crow - the Newfie cat. He’s committed to all the play time she's up for.
Love ya

Dear Deb,
Hi. I hope everyone is doing well. We are in full puppy mode. Patches figured out she is a Newf the other day and now every time she goes to drink her water she puts both paws, face, and even tail. She is growing in leaps and bounds and loves to drive her brother (Teddy) crazy.
I attached a few recent pics. The one with her on the table is real. She is somewhat of an acrobat and when we are not looking enjoys climbing on top of the table. (Don't worry - the puppy dog food in the picture is the stuff I told you about and was about to be returned).
Patches made out excellent this week at the vet, weighing in at 26 lbs.
Talk to you soon,

Her name is Delilah and she couldn’t be more perfect for our family. She is sweet, gentle, loyal, and absolutely beautiful. She loves to be around people, loves neck and belly rubs, her kisses are sweet, and she never turns down a treat. She doesn't like thunderstorms or boat rides.
You see, when my husband and I decided to get another Newfoundland we weren't sure that another puppy would fit into our lifestyle. We are married with no kids so we like to travel.
In July of 2010 our first Newfoundland, Merlin, died of heart failure at the young age of 20 months. We were heartbroken. Despite his condition, his activity level proved to be a little much for our 11 year- old lab, but of course we fell in love with the breed. In the spring of 2011 we were ready to expand the family once again, but this time we thought a more mature Newf would be appropriate. We put in an application to adopt, and we were approved. When the time came, we were told about 10 year- old girl named Delilah. Hmmm, well, that was not exactly what I had envisioned. Surely she is old, decrepit, and I couldn't imagine adopting her, getting attached, all knowing she is near the end of her life expectancy. Surely this was not the dog for us. I decided to sleep on it and try to keep an open mind about it (I really thought I was going to say no). The next day when I went to email Connie to let her know my decision I just knew what I had to do. On paper she wasn't my ideal but I knew I couldn't let this girl live out the remainder of her years in a boarding facility or going from foster home to foster home. I said yes to Delilah and set up a pickup date quickly, so I wouldn't change my mind (I was still a little unsure about her age). Well, I can honestly say we can't imagine our lives without her. From the moment I gave her, her first kiss, put her leash on and loaded her up in my car, it was like she knew I was going to take care of her. Her maturity has been a blessing. She is intuitive, obedient, and doesn't care for mischief at her age. She just needs love and gives love. She is perfect in every way....and I am not just saying that....she really is. I would never have thought we would adopt an older dog. We have always had puppies; a dog we could raise and train to be just like we wanted. Now I realize a senior dog is exactly what we wanted all along; companionship and love. And that is exactly what Delilah delivers.
Nicole G.

The Tale of Holly and Hollie
There is Hollie, who was named Holly. She is a Newf with lots of energy, affectionate and boy can she play!!
Then there’s Holly, who had a hole in her heart that had gone down from gapping to nagging. This Holly was the very proud owner of a black Labrador Retriever who after 5 years of life was diagnosed with Addison’s Disease then developed seizures. She came a hairs breath to dying at the age of 5 but she fought back. The next 5 years for Coco consisted of monthly visits for blood draws to monitor her liver functions and medication levels. She eventually needed help getting into bed but that was okay with this Holly. She was getting tired. I could see it, but I didn’t want to think on it.
Then one Tuesday (our family dinner night) in April, my daughter found her laid out on the dining room floor. My husband told me she looked peaceful in his tear broken voice. My son helped to dig her a grave. I was away from home for work, but I went right to her when I got back. Because I promised her that if she lived through that first night, 5 years ago, that if she fought, I would too. We fought together for 5 years. Now, a little piece of me is gone but with her where she is waiting for me at the end of rainbow road.
It took me a year to decide I wanted that love back. I have one other dog that is great too but the connection just isn’t as strong and now I was feeling that I was ready to search.
I went to the local PetSmart store and saw the biggest, shaggiest, most lovable newf! I talked to her owners while this girl licked my hand and plopped down on my shoes. Her dad carried a towel because she liked to ‘leak’ as he said. He told me about a website, furballacres.com. Who can resist seeing what that’s all about with a name like that! So I went home, got online, read about Newfoundland’s and applied for consideration.
When I heard back, there were two possible dogs. One in my home state, who was an owner surrender and couldn’t afford her medical care, was living on the other side of the state, but was looking for a permanent home. The other dog was not quite available yet but would be, in the next month.
I took down the information provided to me by SENC Newf Rescue for both dogs and talked to my husband. In the end I decided. I decided that God was sending me a huge sign that ‘Holly’ needed ‘Holly’.
She has been in this world since 3/3/2013 and my home since the end of March 2014, but in my heart since I first talked about her. When her foster drove half way across the state to meet me and my husband, in the parking lot of a fast food restaurant, I was feeling like I was 5 years old,
I was that excited! He was there before us. I parked in the back of the lot, he parked in the front. There she was, on her leash sniffing the grass. She was a mass of black fur with a polka-dotted sock on her left front paw and a big patch of white on her chest. He spotted us walking along the side of the restaurant and started towards us. We met half way. Holly was so excited that she dropped and rolled onto her back begging for my love. We have been having a grand old time ever since!!
She makes me smile all day long.
I will never forget my Coco. But I now find my heart grows bigger now for a certain ‘Hollie berrie!’
We walk, we play, we play some more, we get brushed, we play, we lay up in the bed, we play, we get in bed at 7am, licks my face to say, hey….time to get up! I don’t need an alarm clock anymore!
Dear Aunt Deb,
Just wanted to let you know how happy I am here with my new family. I get along really well with my brother and sister, and even some of the cats, although one of them runs and hides from me every time I try to play with him. Mom says I should leave him alone because he has pointy things (she called them ‘claws’) and I could get hurt.
I get lots of tummy rubs, and play fun games. My favorite game is called "Wake up Daddy". Every morning after breakfast, Mom says "O. K. lets go wake up Daddy." Then we all run down the hall, jump on the bed (mom has to help me get up) and give Daddy lots of kisses. He laughs, and then wipes all the kisses off his face.
Then we usually go outside and play ball. Mom throws the ball, Angel chases it, and I chase Angel. Fezzik just watches. I don't think he runs too fast, but he likes to play other games with me, and he's good for snuggling with.
I'm sending some pictures of me and my new family. I miss you guys, and hope to visit some day, but I like it here a lot. Thanks for finding me people who love me so much.

I have devoted my entire life to Newfies! I have adopted several from SENC rescue since moving to Georgia 11 years ago. Four years ago, I received a call from Deb Crowl, one Sunday evening, asking if we could foster an 8 month old puppy. I said to her, you know I am a foster failure” and she replied, “that’s why I called”! Two days later, we were picking up Ruth (Ria). She was quite the challenge, even for a very experienced Newf owner. We persevered and Ruth has become a very important part of our family.
This past February, I received a call from Regina G. Rescue knew I was holding out for a Landseer, but was in no big rush as I currently had 4 Newfs in my house. Regina proceeded to tell me she had Landseer pups, but she said , I know you don’t want a puppy@! Well, a few weeks later we were picking Hogan (Sydney) up from North Carolina.
Hogan has been the easiest pup I have ever owned. He is number 5 in this group of Newfs, but he and Ruth are really bonded (as you can see in the photos). Do you think they know they both came from SENCRescue???
Thank you, so much, for allowing us to share our home with the babies!
Karen and Tom Coriell

Thank you for Gulliver, he is the best thing that has happened to our family! Gulliver came to us as in July 2010 as a foster and we were lucky enough to be allowed to adopt him. We are his 3rd and final home and he has made every day a better one just by being his sweet, lovable, goofy self. When Gulliver came to live with us he was a 2-year old who had spent the majority of his life outside. He had no training, but he is a smart boy and quickly learned come, sit, down, and stay (although stay was a hard one for him, he worried I wouldn't come back for him). Housebreaking a dog who has always been outdoors takes a lot of patience, but he learned it was okay to make a mistake. He also learned about beds and couches and how amazingly soft and comfortable they are. He learned that "Get in the truck" means adventures are ahead. He's been on every family vacation to the beach, a few of the Christmas parades in NC, and a numerous trips to TN. The most important thing he learned though is what it is to be completely and unequivocally loved by his humans. Gulliver is now 11 years old and although we thought it was just us teaching him, it turns out he was also teaching us because we now know what it is to be loved completely and unequivocally by the best dog ever. He has given us millions of laughs, never ending smiles, and lots of drooly, sweet, newy love! So again, Thank you SENC for trusting us with Gulliver and enriching our lives so much!
Cyndi & Chris Dickens
Woodstock, GA

Judson Cornelius Patterson-
The summer of 2017, I decided our house needed another dog because Blue, our black lab, didn't care much for Maverick, our chocolate lab. Blue is a couple years older than Maverick and I assumed maybe Blue needed an older friend to chill out the dynamic of the house. I was a bit nervous because Blue could be quite picky with other dogs, but I thought a female senior dog would be a great fit and we could give her a wonderful remainder of her life! My husband and I check shelters for weeks, but never found a great match. One day, I was researching the Newfoundland breed because I had always been in love with them and I stumbled upon the SENC website, eventually applying to become a Newfoundland foster parent.
Fast forward to September 2017, I hadn't heard anything back from SENC so I assumed they either had no interest in us or no rescues. Until one evening I was at work and received a phone call from Deb. She asked if we were still interested in fostering and before I could answer her, she said "by the way, I know you marked senior female as your preference, but I have a 12 week old male pup in Clemson in need of a foster asap"....I thought to myself "yeah right lady, like anyone is going to be able to say no to a 12 week old fluff ball puppy".....Within minutes I received an email with a picture of a little floof and agreed to be that floof's new foster mom. Good thing my husband agreed ;)
Judson has been the best thing to happen to this household, without any exaggeration. Blue, the black lab I mentioned earlier, never would have tolerated another dog in his face, grooming his ears, or cuddling with him. Blue lets Judson do all of those things, and loves every minute of it! Judson protects Maverick when Blue gets annoyed with him by running between them when Maverick doesn't pick up on Blue's warning faces and body language. We've tried behavioral classes, socialization classes, I've spent hours researching, and even tried medications for Blue's "issues"...nothing ever helped until Judson came along. I apologize for the novel of Judson Cornelius, but this dog is incredible and I can't say enough about him and the work that SENC Rescue does. We are forever thankful and indebted to SENC Rescue for saving our Jud and placing him right where he belongs!
The Patterson's
Easley, SC